all postcodes in SL4 / WINDSOR

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Postcode Area

SL / Slough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SL4 5AA 3 0 51.480839 -0.626439
SL4 5AB 13 0 51.480822 -0.620434
SL4 5AD 16 3 51.479905 -0.612772
SL4 5AE 1 0 51.480161 -0.613007
SL4 5AF 18 0 51.480011 -0.614209
SL4 5AH 10 0 51.480456 -0.615318
SL4 5AL 18 0 51.479006 -0.631188
SL4 5AN 11 6 51.479789 -0.628213
SL4 5AP 14 0 51.479963 -0.626002
SL4 5AQ 13 0 51.480141 -0.615299
SL4 5AR 23 1 51.480442 -0.620964
SL4 5AS 1 1 51.479399 -0.617957
SL4 5AT 18 1 51.480059 -0.620558
SL4 5AU 32 0 51.480241 -0.617687
SL4 5AW 17 0 51.480503 -0.626939
SL4 5AX 28 0 51.480564 -0.617576
SL4 5AY 35 3 51.47929 -0.631641
SL4 5EU 49 0 51.479755 -0.630619
SL4 5AZ 11 1 51.478705 -0.632981
SL4 5BB 33 7 51.47837 -0.63606